Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Development Of Literacy For Students - 902 Words
The development of literacy for students in pre-K through 1st grade all need a basic understanding of letter recognition, knowing phonics, and the difference between vowel sounds when they are long and short. Once these skills are established progression will be made with the introduction of diphthongs and blends. Ways that allow students to learn these basics without losing interest with posters and reads alouds is incorporating interactive videos such as LeapFrog where it draws the students in with it being set up as a cartoon and episodes of SuperWhy to reinforce what has been taught in a fun and exciting way. Another form of teaching through these subjects are the use of computer applications such as StarFall. When there is a large incorporation of activities that are interactive with children at an early age with reading it allows them to make a connection that there is more than just words on a page. Therefore, creating enjoyment when it comes to having to read or be read to which is very crucial especially in the early years of a child so they would want to continue having a desire to read as they progress through their educational career. It is important for a child to not feel forced when it comes to learning to read because then there is pressure on them and a strong sense of boredom often found with the child feeling like it is nothing but a drawn out process of having to stare at a page of words, which can later deteriorate a joy of reading and discourageShow MoreRelatedOne Of The First Things Children Learn In School Is How1627 Words  | 7 Pagesintegral literacy skills that students will build their whole lives. The question is, how do we properly teach these necessary skill s to our students? As a teacher, we must understand all the learning theories to better address the literacy development of our students. 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