Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Analysis Of The Book Orange Is The New Black - 1747 Words
Piper Kerman is a Caucasian woman who is well educated, and of a comfortable socioeconomic class. Piper wrote the book Orange is the New Black to expose the injustices of the justice system through her personal account of her sentence in federal prison. Piper has written about all of her experiences starting from graduating college to her time spent in prison, to her release, and writes her account to exploit the criminal justice system and the struggles women face during their time of incarceration. After college, Piper lived a comfortable, yet predictable life, in Northampton, but yearned for a sense of adventure. Piper then meets a woman named Nora Jansen who was a lesbian, and seemed to be the opposite of who Piper was, the person that she was yearning to be. Nora told Piper that she was involved with â€Å"a drug-smuggling enterprise by a friend of her sister.†(Kerman, 7) Nora and Piper then became very close, and got involved romantically. Getting caught up in Nora’s life Piper agreed to smuggle 10,000 undeclared dollars in her luggage on a trek to Bali, Indonesia. After coming to the realization that Piper is an accessory to Nora’s drug-smuggling enterprise she finally decides to up and leave the â€Å"business†leaving this criminal life in her rear view mirror as she drives on to her new life in California. In California, she meets a man named Larry and they become involved romantically and move to New York where they live their lives with no interruptions. One day PiperShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book Orange Is The New Black 1780 Words  | 8 Pagesfreedom of religion. The overall sense of freedom is exhilarating, and people are learning to understand what is important in life. Whether it be a friendship or a relationship, we all need other people to lean on and support us. 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